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Teeter EP-560 vs EP-960 Comparison

teeter ep-560 vs ep-960

Many people have asked what the difference is between the Teeter EP-560 vs EP-960.

Teeter Hang Ups inversion tables are often rated as the best inversion tables for endurance, strength, rotation control, and ease of assembly. The company has been around since the 1980s and specialises in the manufacture of top quality inversion tables.

Two of their most popular inversion table models are the EP-560 and EP-960Ltd .

So, in terms of comparison, what is the difference between The Teeter 560 and 960 in terms of quality, features, and relative performance of these two inversion table models?

Does the $100.00 difference in price for the EP-960 get you anything that justifies the higher cost?

That all depends on your preference and personal choice.

Here we look at the comparison of these two Teeter models.

Teeter EP-560 vs EP-960

When we compare teeter models, the quality and relative performance of the EP-560 vs EP-960 models are very nearly identical as they are both quality inversion tables constructed out of quality materials.

With regard to features, the main differences between the EP-560 and EP-960 are:

  • The EP-960 comes with the EZ-Reach Ankle System with triple lock. This provides an easy-to-reach solution and can be of benefit for some users who might have trouble bending over to reach their ankles.  It allows them to lock the ankles quickly and easily by only reaching down to their shins.
  • The EP-560 comes with the standard T-Pin system.
  • The EP-560 is compatible with gravity Boots whereas the EP-960 is not.
  • The EP-960 also comes with the EZ Angle Tether Strap which allows pre-set angles at 20, 40 or 60 degrees and provides an easy guide to where the benefits of inversion begin and are fully realized. The EP-560 on the other hand uses an adjustable Angle Tether Strap which is simple and safe, although it doesn’t have a huge number of pre-set angles.
  • The EP-960 also comes with Stretch Max Handles which have an angle guide and offer the user assistance if they are new and not yet familiar with inversion.  They also allow users to perform various stretching exercises more easily.
  • The EP-960 also comes with EZ-Stretch Traction Handles which provide the added benefit for inverted stretching and decompression.
  • The EP-960 is slightly heavier than the EP-560 

If required, some of the above items can be purchased separately as accessories at a later date once the user has become familiar with the inversion process and decides they want these accessories.

Both inversion tables benefit from the generous Teeter 5-Year warranty which is a leader in the market.

So, as far as the Teeter EP-560 vs EP-960 comparison goes, whether the difference between these two inversion tables justifies the $100 price difference is really a matter of personal opinion and whether any of the additional features of the EP-960 would be of particular use to a user when considering their own unique personal circumstances.

What it really boils down to in terms of the Teeter EP-560 vs EP-960 is whether you need, or just want, the particular additional features that the EP-960 has to offer.