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What is a Teeter Inversion Table?

What is a Teeter inversion table you might be asking and what is it used for?

As the name suggests, it is an item of equipment that enables you to invert your body.

It allows you to swing your feet to a position above the level of your head.  This has the effect of increasing the flow of blood to the upper part of your body and at the same time decompressing the vertebrae in your spine against the pull of gravity.

It is considered by many people to be one of the most effective means of relieving aches and pains in people who suffer from chronic back pain.

When done regularly, being inverted can help to reduce back pain and stress.

Some studies have also shown that using an inversion table may also reduce the signs of aging.

What is a Teeter Inversion Table and Why Use One?

Our modern hectic way of life, which includes being sedentary a lot of the time and not getting as much exercise as we need, not to mention the high levels of stress many of us are under, can contribute to the various aches and pains which afflict us.

One of the most common of these is back pain.

In an attempt to obtain relief from back pain, many people try exercising and/or yoga and other such activities.

However, another, non-drug related, answer could be an inversion table.

Using a Teeter Inversion Table

Using one can also help to reduce compression of various arteries in the body, at least for a small time.

Because the supply of blood and therefore oxygen to the tissues is increased as a result of inversion, this has the effect of increasing the overall level of fitness and also healing of the tissues.

The fact that the table puts a person’s body upside down results in gravity working in the opposite direction, thereby helping to stretch out the vertebrae in your spine.  This can provide great relief from back pain.

At the same time, inversion therapy can also increase your body’s flexibility.

It should be noted that the importance of the effect of being inverted is an important consideration in yoga.

This form of therapy therefore can have a great beneficial effect on the individual.  However, people who have problems with their spine or other medical conditions such as heart disease, glaucoma etc. would be advised not to engage in this type of therapy, unless recommended by a doctor.

If trying out a Teeter inversion table, or indeed any type of inversion equipment, for the first time, it is always recommended that you take the advice of a doctor.

In the initial stages of inversion therapy, it is advised to have the supervision of a qualified coach.  Once you gain confidence, you can start working with the equipment on your own.

There are several different types of tables based on the capacity of the table itself.

Choosing the Right Teeter Inversion Table For You

In choosing a table, the weight and height of the person the table is expected to carry is a very important consideration.  Tables with a higher weight capacity are normally more expensive.

When reading inversion table reviews, make sure that you research ones that are suitable for your own specific needs, including your weight and height.

Inversion tables should also come with user guides.  When choosing a table, make sure that it also comes with a valid warranty, for most parts of the table, of at least one year, preferably up to 5 years, so that the table should last for a long time.

Most current tables normally have an adjustable inversion level.  This means that a novice is able to start with a small degree of inversion and then slowly increase the rotation as they become more experienced.

Rotation speed is also something that can be adjusted as and when required.

Users of a Teeter inversion table often wax lyrical about the benefits they have experienced, and, in many cases, this is often quite soon after starting inversion therapy.

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Before you use any product for health care, always consult with your physician or primary healthcare provider and seek the appropriate advice and supervision prior to use.